
Talking Hands Award

Talking Hands Award

Talking Hands Award
Peter Zinken´s intention by creating the Award-History is to present some of German awards and projects, focused on Germany and the German-speaking countries. This is done without claiming completeness, which is inaccessible. It is just an exhibition, a museum, that shows parts of the webawards history.
This quote by Diane Ackerman aptly describes Peter Zinken´s Award-History.
"It´s a silent oasis in the noisy confusion of the world, isolating phenomena so that they can be seen undistracted. What is being collected are not the artifacts themselves but the undivided attention of the visitors. That is the museum. It lies in the mind of the viewers."
Award history is incomplete as Peter states. But even if it were complete Carl Gustav Jung would say "It is proverbial, of course, that man never learns from history, and, as a rule, in respect to a problem of the present, it can teach us simply nothing. The new must be made through untrodden regions, without suppositions, and often, unfortunately, without piety also."
Peter Zinken has remained true to his original intent, while enlisting the aid and input of countless persons named and unnamed within the Award History. The sheer magnitude of this undertaking and the excellent workmanship are not only a testimony to Peter but all mentioned who by their examples have shown the world wide web, the joy of award giving.
Danny Lancester

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